From love making to flesh “taking”


During a recent episode, “Kids Today" of Fox's 9-1-1, the crew encountered a patient in a nursing home who had a “flesh-eating STD". This may seem hilarious and it certainly was, yet it is absolutely true.

According to the, this flesh eating std is called Donovanosis (Granuloma Inguinale).

The UK refers to it as a Sexually Transmitted Infection and it first started to really appear during 2018, according to The STD/STI leaves flesh-eating ulcers around the genital area and is usually painless, at first. Most of the cases have been found in tropical areas but able 100 cases have been found in the United States.

A comdom may not even stop these flesh-eating ulcers, but it is better to be safe protected than to not be safe at all. Safe sex is the safe way.

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