4 “Hidden Figures” No Longer “Hidden” - Awarded Congressional Gold Medals
Source: CNN.COM
On Friday, the four African-American women who helped to make space travel possible by solving and completing some of the most complex math problems and much more.
Mathematician Katherine Johnson, Engineer Christine Darden, along with the late, Mary Jackson (engineer) and Dorothy Vaughn (computer programmer) worked at NASA during the “Space Race” era.
All four women we’re awarded the highest civil award- Congressional Gold Medals on Friday, November 9th.
President Donald Trump the “Hidden Figures Congressional” Act into law on Friday.
One of the people who introduced the bipartisan bill was Democratic Senator, Kamala Harris from California. She calls the women “[pioneers and an inspiration to black women across the nation]”.
We are thankful for the many contributions that these four ladies had the courage and determination to path the way for other women of color in the field of science, mathematics, engineering, and computer programming. They stayed “hidden for far too long, but they are no longer “hidden” thankful today we know about their contributions to this Nation.
Source: Women NASA, Twitter